About the training
A well-being learning environment is a combination of mental, social, and physical conditions created for learning that supports the learner’s self-efficacy and self-esteem, the development of life skills and social competences, and mental and physical health in general. It is a part of a business company’s life to use coaching, counseling, or supervision to help their professionals perform at the best of their abilities. In education, this kind of support is rare, and teachers tend to be assessed rather than helped to develop.
Target Audience
Experienced teachers, adult educators, trainers, department heads, managerial or administrative staff.
Learning outcomes
The training will support the enhancement of your capacity to:
• understand and explain the components of a learning environment that creates well-being;
• analyse the key elements of a well-being-creating learning environment from the perspective of the learner, the trainer/teacher and the trainings` manager/managerial staff;
• support the creation of a well-being learning environment;
• handle job issues with stronger awareness and capacity to cooperate with colleagues;
• learn how to handle stress and avoid burnout;
• introducing the coaching model, basic coaching skills, principles, and tools.
Daily Program
The standard program spans 7 days. The initial day focuses on icebreaker activities for participants to acquaint themselves, an introduction to the course topic, and hands-on activities demonstrating the course’s online platform. The concluding day involves follow-up discussions, individual consultations, guidance on implementing the training with students, teachers, colleagues and etc, seeking mentor support, and concludes with a certificate ceremony.